Installing and Requirements


This extension has been written against CiviCRM 4.7 with PHP 5.6 (multibyte string functions required) and MariaDB 10.0 (MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL that I have found to be more performant than MySQL for CiviCRM, a recent version of MySQL should work just as well), it requires InnoDB and UTF-8 support.

I have also found it to work with 4.6.24.

I have used it in Drupal and Wordpress setups.

Any problems running against other versions please submit an issue and ideally a pull request :-)

Download and install the extension

You can install this extension in the normal way.

It's now listed on the CiviCRM Extensions directory: CSV Import Helper but until this makes it onto your own database's extensions page, this means grab the latest release code from the github repo, at

From that page you can either download a ZIP/tgz file, or clone the repo if you're familiar with Git.

Anwyay, you want to end up with a directory called uk.artfulrobot.civicrm.importhelper within your CiviCRM extensions directory.

Then visit CiviCRM » Administer » System Settings » Extensions and install it.